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A comrade (that wished to remain anonymous) made an extraordinary analysis on CPUSA’s ideological tendencies. I think this piece of text is extremely important for CPUSA members to begin discussing the future of their organization and strategies to fight against the visibly liquidationist tendency inside the party.

We decided to share this article on ProleWiki because of their relevance for Marxists-Leninists inside the USA.

  • @queer_bird
    32 years ago

    Would you say there is a real struggle against this tendency within the Party? Lord knows many people are praying for the day that CPUSA is actually Communist once again. Many groups such as PCUSA would have no reason to exist if CPUSA abandoned it’s liberal ways, if they did it would be a massive shot in the arm for the Communist Movement.

    • Camarada ForteOPA
      12 years ago

      I think even in the most disgustingly opportunist and reformist party, there will always and unavoidably be a revolutionary tendency inside struggling. Usually you’ll see it in the youth of the party. But as far as I can tell, in the case of CPUSA, the reformist opportunist line has been winning for years. Only the future can tell if this will continue to be the case