“RIP Poland” 😂 I do not believe that these liberals and mild socdems will fix the country problems, like collosal inequalities, church power, nationalism etc., but I feel relieved that these fascist fucks from PiS will not hold education any more (4 year at least).

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind
    7 months ago

    “RIP Poland” 😂 I do not believe that these liberals and mild socdems will fix the country problems, like collosal inequalities, church power, nationalism etc., but I feel relieved that these fascist fucks from PiS will not hold education any more (4 year at least).

    Well going from the previous experiences with succdems in power, they will do “compromises” all the time. With less embarassing episodes of public hitler particles detector emissions though.

    • lemat_87OP
      7 months ago

      Well, this is a real threat. As far as I know, mother of Barbara Nowacka published some appeal to do not let Roman Giertych be a ministry of education, but Barbara now is elected from the very same list as Giertych 😮‍💨