I’m kind of new to android. F-droid is kind of hard to navigate. some apps doesn’t load their thumbnails and some doesn’t even have them at all. It’s hard to decide which ones are good other than how recent It’s updated.

What I need atm:

  • Music player
  • Writing / Note taking
  • Diary app
  • VPN?
  • Maps
  • Messenger app
  • Social media / Fediverse frontends (if it exists)
  • Peertube client (to upload and manage videos)
  • Reminders / To do list app

You can recommend me any android apps that might be useful.

  • IngrownMink4
    3 years ago

    These are the applications that I personally recommend and that I use on a daily basis (I hope it helps you! <3)

      • soronixa
        73 years ago

        This Anti-Feature is applied to apps where the upstream source code includes proprietary software by default in their own releases.

        mull is a fork of fennec, which is a fork of android firefox which is not entirely foss, and includes some telemetry and tracking. fennec removes proprietary parts and telemetry from firefox, but is able to connent to some servers of mozilla and google, which can track users. it’s not hardened either. then mull comes and forks fennec, and adds features from Tor uplift and arkenfox-user.js preferences. but since the upstream code comes from firefox for android, it has this anti-feature. if I understand it correctly, mull is the best android browser for now.

        • Adda
          43 years ago

          This actually explains a lot to me. Thank you. I have switched to Mull recently and so far so good. There have been some worries about broking a few websites because of all the hardening, but as it seems for my usage, there are no problems whatsoever. I must agree with you. Mull is the best browser for Android I have been able to find so far.

  • soronixa
    83 years ago

    use Aurora droid or Foxy droid, the official F-Droid client is buggy.

    for fediverse: tusky for mastodon, husky for pleroma, lemmur for lemmy, pixeldroid for pixelfed

    • IngrownMink4
      13 years ago

      But if you have some apps installed in F-Droid and I switch to Aurora Droid for example, the apps installed by F-Droid will be deleted or what? I have a lot of apps installed with F-droid and I don’t want to lose them in the transition…

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        33 years ago

        No, you can swich wich no problem, but personaly sometimes I have issues with AuroraDroid search, nothing big enough to be a problem, maybe I’ll open an issue, but someone one knows more clients to give them a try?

        • IngrownMink4
          3 years ago

          So I will be able to keep my apps even if I uninstall F-Droid and I install Aurora Droid? Good to know, thanks for the answer, I gonna try now.

        • soronixa
          13 years ago

          yeah, it has a problem with searching. when you search, type what you’re looking for, delete the last character, and type it again. it fixes it for me.

  • ghost_laptop
    73 years ago

    Music player: Metro Writing / Note taking: Joplin Diary app: VPN: Mullvad Maps: organic Maps Messenger app: I need more info Social media / Fediverse frontends (if it exists): Lemmur for Lemmy, Tusky for Mastodon Peertube client (to upload and manage videos): NewPipe has Peertube features but unsure if you can upload since I use it as a front end to YouTube Reminders / To do list app: Joplin

    Weather: Geometric Weather

  • @Liwott@lemmy.ml
    53 years ago

    Lots of nice suggestions here ! Maybe 2 points worth mentioning :

    • Since you are using the fediverse already and are looking for f-droid app recommendations, it may be worth to consider the f-droid client gdroid, which uses the Fediverse as a source for comments.
    • OSMAnd is a nice OSM frontend. Now the question is whether OSM is complete enough in your region for it to be used as a GPS app. In that regard, I recently discovered StreetComplete, which makes contributing to OSM easy and fun.-
    • @ray@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      I love using StreetComplete! It has been fun to help map out areas I’ve lived in. Also I often use OSMAnd to add notes that I’ll then fix when on a desktop computer.

  • @kujaw@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago
    • VLC
    • Nextcloud Notes (together with Disroot, you will have your notes on Disroot cloud)
    • don’t know
    • don’t know
    • Osmand, Organic Maps
    • Blabber (for XMPP) or Schildichat/Element (for Matrix)
    • Dandelior (for Diaspora) or Fedilab (for Mastodon)
  • @ziproot@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    *You need to enable Izzysoft’s repo by going to Settings–>Repositories, clicking the plus sign, and then pasting the following link: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=3BF0D6ABFEAE2F401707B6D966BE743BF0EEE49C2561B9BA39073711F628937A. Also note that PixelDroid has two entries, one of which is on Izzysoft’s repo. The one on the main repo is the newer one.

  • Metawish
    23 years ago

    Music I use Metro, mostly for its UI. Most of the other music players in fdroid look kinda ugly or crowded, so Metro was one that works and looks much better (or different). It works and looks like Samsung Music player hence why I picked it.

    For note taking app, I enjoy using Notally, it’s the closest to how the Samsung Notes app worked, so I can easily make a todo list or jot down a note (and putting things on seperate lines! Surprising to find some apps didn’t let me?) I also have Joplin to sync some references and such.

    I haven’t found a good Diary app yet, but looking for one to use for gardening purposes.

    Vpn don’t know, I have NordVPN and they dont have their app on fdroid

    Maps, what everyone else suggests

    Messenger apps again, what everyone else suggested

    Social media again, what others suggested

    Peertube I don’t use for uploading videos, I watch using NewPipe

    Todo app I use Notally mentioned above! I also have SimpleTask for grocery management but it’s meant to be a todo app. That one has lots of functionality tho so I’m sure it can work well for you!