You’re adding extra layers by using an app, even the official one. You might want to try accessing through a browser. The app refused to connect for a while because of https settings.
You’re adding extra layers by using an app, even the official one. You might want to try accessing through a browser. The app refused to connect for a while because of https settings.
When someone would ask, “Who wants to be 100 years old?” My grandpa would respond, “Ask someone who is 99.” I think that applies here. When will you feel like you can give up - well, why not now? What will be different when you’re 40 or 50? Why wouldn’t you want to be dating? Why wouldn’t you want your body to work?
These are real, current legs. The front 2 of the insect norm of 6
There is a sheet for meals, one for ingredients, and one that relates meals to ingredients
Edit - I wrote a comment on the cross post about a spreadsheet and I thought this was replying to that
It sounds like your biggest challenge might be bringing your partner onboard. I can’t help with that.
What I can say has worked in my house is coming up with a list of our usual meals and just picking off of it for the week. You get to make a choice, so feel less trapped by schedule (I can’t stand a food schedule that repeats weekly). At the same time those choices are from a limited list with no wrong choices, so the choice is less overwhelming. The only things that make the list are things everyone says yes to, not meaning ‘I love it’ but ‘I will eat it and it meets my nutrional needs.’
You can even pop the meals into a meal planner thing (I use a spreadsheet) that will dump out a shopping list. There is probably an app that does it well that won’t take upfront work. That reduces the mental energy of “putting together a shopping list” that sometimes is just the last straw that would stop me.
The developer also posted on Mastodon: Looks like it was patched but that hasn’t gotten to F-droid yet
I absolutely agree that there should be a official name. My problem with birds is that there are 2 official names. The American Ornithological Society approves both of them (kind of). One is Latin/Greek/whatever in Genus species format - that is the one for science literature and taxonomy. The other is in English and silly in my opinion because that’s where people will use it to say nonsense like there is no such thing as a seagull.
There are weirdly rigid common names around birds. There is a whole thing about renaming them right now. They are essentially regulated terms that low level pedants respect. They are the same types of people who would correct you for calling Frankenstein’s monster ‘Frankenstein’.
The plant community is better. You could call a “sunflower” a “tall flower” and nobody would care. You might get a “oh, I’ve never heard that one” but never “there’s no such thing as a ‘tall flower.’” They just fall back to the scientific names when clarity is important.
IMO common names should just be useful. I will call any gull a seagull when talking to non-bird people because that is a term that is commonly understood and how effective communication works.
For helping with breathing while swallowing you can elevate food and water to a height that he doesn’t have to bend down for. It is recommended for things like laryngeal paralysis, but it couldn’t hurt to make swallowing a little easier.
I’ve been there witb a pup. Try to remember to take care of yourself too. Wishing you and yours the best.
In As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, one chapter is 5 words long…
Same. Sucks when the infrastructure even drops out.
Are you using https? On mine the app doesn’t allow just http.
And broccoli, capers, fennel, lavender, etc
Looks good! I save the simmer time by adding the tvp dry and after everything else has cooked. That way it thickens the chili and gets all the flavor into the tvp. Just add it slowly so you don’t end up adding too much and having crunchy chili :)
Am I really bathing if I’m using water I cannot drink?
Yes, drinking water is cleaned to the point that it will not make you sick to drink assuming a normal immune system. That is extreme over kill for bathing (and toilets, laundry, etc). The only reason we use drinking water for everything is because infrastructure is expensive and laying non-potable water pipes would cost tons.
Sorry, I shoul’ve said. The earth isn’t a sphere, ellipsoid, or other regular geometric shape. The ocean’s surface is less so and changes by the tides. Those shapes can work to model the surface locally and globally depending on accuracy needed but are inherently flawed.
Person 1: Does that matter? Person 2: No, let’s just simplify. Person 1: Ok, well we can really simplify using a Mercator projection. Person 2: You’re doing it wrong. We need to simplify the part that makes the line not straight, but not so much that it looks bendy again. Our projection needs to be at the level that makes the answer I want to be true look right. Person 1: Does the question even make any sense in this context then?
The earth isn’t a sphere though. Even if that has less error it is not none. A geodesic path would also not be straight because of the shape of the earth.
Yes, using lat, long, and radius is better than xyz on the earth - usually. But the radius, the 3rd dimension, changes by where you are because the earth isn’t actually a sphere. On this path it would get longer until you reached the equator, shorter until the most southerly point then longer again until you hit NZ. It is a wavy line not a straight one. Again you’re projecting 3d onto 2d (because you’re incorrectly assuming a fixed radius) and saying that that error in projection doesn’t matter.
Nope, I had the same experience. I don’t know how many tutorials for set up of docker and jellyfin via docker that I read/watched and tried. Eventually I found one that worked, but I am still in that steep part of the curve after having successfully set up a few containers. That said, it has worked flawlessly since install, so…