While nonbinding, it was nevertheless historically and politically significant as a reflection of just how isolated the U.S. and Israel are in this conflict. The U.S. and [its neocolony’s] votes against Palestine have made them outliers on this issue. The U.N. vote reflects a growing divide between imperialist countries — like the U.S, [its neocolony], Britain, Japan and Germany — and the Global South, countries which are increasingly rising up against centuries of colonial oppression.

A number of countries’ delegates walked out when [a Zionist] delegate spoke, while there was long applause for the Palestinian speaker.

Around the globe, the masses of people have taken to the streets in record numbers to support Palestine and condemn the genocidal assaults on Gaza by [neocolonialism] with U.S. backing and funding. The General Assembly vote stands in stark contrast to the earlier U.N. Security Council resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza that was vetoed by the United States.

Several delegates, including Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriquez, pointed to the UNSC vote as an ongoing example of the failure of the U.N. to resolve the Palestinian […] conflict. China released a statement calling for the right of return for Palestinians.