• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Here’s something that helped me once (and continuously since). I was trying to get diagnosed in order to get a prescription, but the wait time for a free assessment was multiple years. After trying every avenue, I genuinely gave up on that, but I knew that there are recreational drugs that work similarly for me. So I just vented to my doctor and said exactly that - I know that you’re not willing to prescribe the meds without the official diagnosis and that’s okay, I understand. So I’ll just have to buy another drug that helps off the street. And he was like “okay, I’m even more uncomfortable with you doing that. Fine then, let’s start you on the prescription meds”. It’s crazy that it took this to get any help, and it still limits me in fully exploring the optimal combinations without the diagnosis, but I’m still super thankful to my doc for that. At least I won’t od on a random batch with some extra fentanyl mixed in.

  • Are you in this for the recognition and applause? For feeling smarter than and superior to others? You’re here of all places, so no you’re not. Materialism wouldn’t be a revolutionary philosophy if it fell in line with what people readily agree with. Your friend sided with you on this and that is good. Keep being educated and correct, and he’ll agree with you some more. When you agree on enough, you’ll be able to teach him how to be just as correct. Then we’ll have another comrade, and you’ll have a better friend.

    The education is a thankless job, a fight against established thought. Our props will be the society where you no longer have to be an educator. And you’re getting us closer to that, one opinion at a time. So keep your head up.

  • This is obviously a joke, but it’s a good time for a reminder that the state of California is the 4th largest economy in the world with over $4 trillion in GDP. Thinking of the US as a set of 50 equally important (economically and socially) chunks is not a good strategy. Unless we go with the mlm3w “Western whites can’t do anything so just sit back” approach, we will have to focus our work on parts that matter the most materially.

    Commiefornia is a long shot, considering that they just voted to preserve state slavery, but it’s a much more realistic threat to global capitalism than a socialist US.

  • I loveee Marisa’s dress. Making a fluffy black and white dress that doesn’t immediately give “maid outfit” is no easy task. And this one is absolutely stunning. At the same time it gives very fancy with the star accents and frilly lacing, but then it counteracts it with the heavier (denim??) fabric, and firmly grounds it in the middle with the practical-but-pretty pockets.

  • The Mensheviks were demsocs

    Socdems, and that’s what makes it funny. Like Lenin said:

    You can see the difference between them in this simple example: a menshevik that wants an apple would stand under an apple tree and wait until the apple falls in his hands. And a bolshevik would go and pick the apple.

  • If you’re interested in something that doesn’t entirely rely on getting a degree and further certification (like law or medicine), then there are tons of free online courses from the best universities. Platforms like edX, Coursera, udemy. Khan academy for more fundamental knowledge. Dedicated sites for things like coding or graphic design. There are tons of ways to learn well and for free.

  • I mean, this is literally what happened, so I don’t see why the quote wouldn’t be real. In late 1956 the boat coming from Mexico carrying 82 people was supposed to land in Cuba, join other comrades with vehicles and supplies, travel up the coast and connect with even more rebels. Then they would attack and capture the military outpost, seizing guns and ammo, travel to the Sierra Maestra mountains, from where Fidel would call for a general strike and topple Batista’s government.

    None of that happened. The boat was garbage, they landed days later than planned. By that time other rebels carried out diversions that alerted the army, and Fidel’s company was ambushed as they were crossing the marsh after losing the boat and all the supplies with it. They had to split up and run, trying to get to the mountains with no food, water, or medicine (Che Guevara was seriously shot). By the time they reached their destination only a dozen of them remained. And the rest is history.

  • “Vote blue no matter who” means that liberals and more progressive people are supposed to support the Dems even if the party is entirely incompetent and outright harmful to the causes people support. Because the Republicans will fuck everything up even more. Harm reduction, right? So I am explaining that the recent decisions of the democrats were finally the opposite of that.

    Tim Walz and his Democratic-Farmer-Labor party’s record in one session:

    • Statewide paid family and medical leave for all workers
    • Child tax credits
    • Child care assistance
    • Free school breakfast and lunch for all students
    • Free public college for lower-income families
    • Codified Roe v. Wade
    • Extensive legislation on protecting trans people
    • Banned conversion therapy
    • Labor protections for nurses, teachers and school workers, Uber and Lyft drivers, Amazon workers
    • Banned non-compete agreements
    • Put over a billion into the housing budget. Ten times more than the previous one
    • Background checks and red-flag laws for gun purchases
    • Banned no-knock warrants and white supremacists from pig forces
    • Additional billions in public transit and infrastructure investments, environmental programs
    • Right to repair law

    Each of those issues is widely popular among voters, and are objectively progressive policies. So the Democrats are doing a smart thing by campaigning on them.

    Now on the Palestine issues Kamala is currently doing the exact opposite. Morals aside, since we’re talking about the materialist side of politics, this is an incredibly popular issue with Americans, 70% of whom are in support of a permanent ceasefire. The uncommitted movement is going to play a significant role in this election. And if she doesn’t present a strong stance on this very soon, she might undo all the good decisions that the Dems made in the past month, like dropping Biden, supporting Kamala, and picking a progressive VP.

  • As far as the real options go, you literally couldn’t have had better? Yeah he’s not a MLM, what a surprise. But I’ll take a governor who has a record of directly improving people’s lives - school breakfast and lunch, Pre-K, time off for parents, abortion/trans/IVF rights, gun regulations, ecological legislation, etc. To say that it’s a “fake progressive” by the standards of the democratic party is insane, who the fuck isn’t then? Even on Palestine he’s the “stop the fighting, two-state solution”, which is as radical as a politician can possibly get regarding US foreign policy.

  • Your response and the amount of likes you got shows me that people here still believe that America is not as racist as it actually is

    I don’t think it’s about people not believing in the all-encompassing systemic institutional racism. That’s kinda impossible if you look at literally any statistic with racial distribution.

    This type of stuff is deranged by any standards. With how extremely individualistic the people, especially the conservatives are, you normally expect the hatred to be projected outwards, not inwards. That’s the whole point of in-circles. So I’d expect to hear something like “I will take my second amendment and actually murder this person for standing near my white child”. And the “You’re no longer my kid” - “K” is definitely not a typical interaction.