Are you in this for the recognition and applause? For feeling smarter than and superior to others? You’re here of all places, so no you’re not. Materialism wouldn’t be a revolutionary philosophy if it fell in line with what people readily agree with. Your friend sided with you on this and that is good. Keep being educated and correct, and he’ll agree with you some more. When you agree on enough, you’ll be able to teach him how to be just as correct. Then we’ll have another comrade, and you’ll have a better friend.
The education is a thankless job, a fight against established thought. Our props will be the society where you no longer have to be an educator. And you’re getting us closer to that, one opinion at a time. So keep your head up.
Here’s something that helped me once (and continuously since). I was trying to get diagnosed in order to get a prescription, but the wait time for a free assessment was multiple years. After trying every avenue, I genuinely gave up on that, but I knew that there are recreational drugs that work similarly for me. So I just vented to my doctor and said exactly that - I know that you’re not willing to prescribe the meds without the official diagnosis and that’s okay, I understand. So I’ll just have to buy another drug that helps off the street. And he was like “okay, I’m even more uncomfortable with you doing that. Fine then, let’s start you on the prescription meds”. It’s crazy that it took this to get any help, and it still limits me in fully exploring the optimal combinations without the diagnosis, but I’m still super thankful to my doc for that. At least I won’t od on a random batch with some extra fentanyl mixed in.