(besides a motherlode of badly-written, unreadable copium)

  • JucheBot1988OP
    11 months ago

    I’m in the US, but I’ve noticed the same thing too, specifically with how whenever a white supremacist shows up to debate a Marxist online, a whole lot of the time the white supremacist is Australian. And I’ve had heard a bunch of these types say basically that the US and Australia are linked by blood, with a common struggle against Evil Asiatic Communism. To which I always want to reply: no, you dingbat, the US doesn’t give a crap about you, you’re just a useful ally, and Washington would collapse your currency and sell you out tomorrow if they thought it helped their strategic interests. Obviously, I know all Australians can’t be like this, so I sometimes wonder, cynically and a little conspiratorially, if the Hitler-admiring types are paid off by the state department; a foreign accent does wonders in making Americans think white nationalism is intelligent and cosmopolitan.

    • DamarcusArt
      11 months ago

      Our own home grown KKK and stuff boggle my mind. These are people who claim to be “protecting Australian culture” from minorities and they do that by…behaving exactly like American racists? They don’t even bother to come up with their own stuff, they just recycle the same 3-4 talking points every racist seems to use. They’re not just shitty people, they’re really fucking lazy as well.