Doing basic math, this means every murderered Arab in Gaza is the possibile profit of between 5-10 million USD to US military industry. Right in front of us accumulation by waste

Auto translation from the linked Russian telegram:

"During the 11 days of Israel’s fighting with the Gaza Strip, the capitalization of the top 40 military-industrial corporations of the West increased by $55 billion. Prior to this, against the backdrop of the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive, the capitalization of corporations was falling, losing the same 7% ($58 billion) in 4 months. Top 10 public corporations of the Western military-industrial complex by capitalization, $ billion (change as of 10/06/23, %)

  1. 🇺🇸 Boeing – 112 (-1%)
  2. 🇺🇸 Lockheed Martin – 111 (+10%)
  3. 🇺🇸 Raytheon – 108 (+6%)
  4. 🇺🇸 Northrop Grumman – 74 (+16%)
  5. 🇺🇸 General Dynamics – 66 (+10%)
  6. 🇺🇸 TransDigm – 48 (+2%)
  7. 🇬🇧 BAE Systems – 40 (+10%)
  8. 🇺🇸 L3Harries – 34 (+9%)
  9. 🇫🇷 Thales – 32 (+11%)
  10. 🇺🇸 Booz – 17 (+8%) Top 40 – 816 (+7%)."