Today in Poland there is voting, so you could choose between open fascists, mild fascists with religious fanaticism flavour, conservative neoliberals, and neoliberal puppets called themselves “leftists”, but this is a mild socdem at best. The “leftists” are quite concerned about empreteneurs and support the neoliberal opposition. I decided to not vote. However, there is a strong pression to go voting. What would you do?

  • Jusog
    9 months ago

    I’d vote for the communist party, even if the party sucks xD. Obv even if they win nothing rly changes, but communist organisations in general would profit, I’d say. The communist party in Austria, Styria, which won in Graz, now has more money at its exposal. We may not vote our way outta capitalism, but if commie organisations receive more money, then that’s a step forward, in my eyes.

    • lemat_87OP
      9 months ago

      Wish to have communist party in Poland. In Poland, propagation of communism is forbidden by law, on equal foot with fascism 🤦🏽

      • Jusog
        9 months ago

        Oh… My condolences. In Slovakia there is a communist party, so I tought it wouldn’t be so different in Poland. Are you organized anywhere in real-life? In some non official organisation? Also how does that law work in practice? When the police was to find out abt u agitating for communism, would you be fined? Straight to prison?

        • lemat_87OP
          9 months ago

          Personally, I am not organized. Yet 😎 there is Communist Party of Poland, but probably it is constantly observed by government services, so I am just afraid to contact them openly, due to my quite public work and family responsibilities. So I suppose the law is not terribly strict, but you never know what can you expect. They can interpret the paragraph differently for your case. I think, agiting for communism, according to law, may put one into prison in extreme case up to 2 years.

  • Cysioland
    9 months ago

    I went to vote for the “”“lesser evil”“”, though that’s mostly because it required almost no effort to do it

  • Buchenstr
    9 months ago

    Poland particularly shows representative democracies are abject failures.

    Civic Platform - Liberal Conservatism, not even the decency of allowing some liberal ideas, its just a moderate party which sometimes spouts its something more. Liberals who try to pamper the party into being great are vile, it’s another right-wing shit party.

    PiS - Religious freaks who want nothing but to control the populace through catholic dogma, racism and anti-communism. Anti-intellectualism is rampant throughout their party, if they’re not shutting down public schools, public transit or public anything, they’re likely being vile somewhere else.

    Sovereign Movement - Open fascists, nothing else to say about these guys really, they’re just fascists.

    There’s some left-wing parties but from my polish friends they’re completely irrelevant. Decades of anti-left propaganda has made them minority parties.

    At least in my country the communist party is free to set up meetings, create trade unions, and allow most activities which in other countries are completely illegal. I can only hope in poland and here, the situation develops to the proletariat’s advantage.

    To answer your question, I would just take the risk and follow the activities of the communist party of poland, this will sound doomer of me but there really doesn’t seem to be any actual good opposition towards PiS, and the other left-wing parties are only somewhat more popular than the communist one.

    • lemat_87OP
      9 months ago

      Your description of the Polish parties is very accurate. However, the Communist Party of Poland is far far smaller than the socdems, which entered to the parlament with 8,6 percent, if I remember correctly. Also, the Communist Party is at constant observation by security services, also, decades of anti-communists propaganda made a very bad association of communism in a mind of average Pole.