There is this notion that “So many things that were bad with the Soviet Union for so long can be traced back to Joseph Stalin.” One specific mentioned such thing is the 1936 Family Code. So what was it about?

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    2 years ago

    I see, thank you for the links.

    So the 1926 law was amended in 1936 to ban abortions, it later appears that Article 1 (the one banning abortions) was repealed in 1955, with the entire amendment act being repealed in 1968.

    The 1955 decree shines a light on the reasoning for its implementation.

    The measures taken by the Soviet state to encourage motherhood and protect childhood and the continuous growth of the consciousness and culture of women who actively participate in all spheres of the national economic life of the country make it possible at present to abandon the prohibition of abortion by law.

    A reduction in the number of abortions can be ensured in the future by further expanding state measures to encourage motherhood, as well as educational and explanatory measures.

    The lifting of the ban on abortion will also make it possible to eliminate the great harm caused to a woman’s health by abortions carried out outside medical institutions and often by ignorant persons.

    An incredibly stupid choice to have banned abortions in the first place, which we repeated here in Romania as well with Decree 770. It’s literally bad for everyone. Reproductive rights are infringed, and you end up with more orphans who are traumatized.

    • RedFields
      2 years ago

      Something we should ask ourselves is why did the party decide that this was a necessary action to take considering the circumstances. From my limited understanding of it was related to a decline in births and the need for more workers. This is not an excuse for its implementation simply an attempt to underatand the situation. I don’t know why but I remeber that the law targeted forced abortion. This again going on memory was because husbands at this time were pressuring their wives into having abortions. Some auxillary notes on this topic is an increase in fundings for kindergartens and other facilites that would care for children lightening the burden on women. If i could find the sources for this I will add them in later. Do remember nothing happens in a vacuum so hold your critiques until you understand the full situation and not just part of it.