First post even though I’ve had an account for months. So basically I have ADHD and am autistic, on top of that I’ve always struggled with self discipline and motivation. All of this has been made worse by a traumatic event causing me severe depression that I can’t seem to get out of. I genuinely want to read theory to become a better Marxist but I can barely manage a few pages at a time before giving up. Any ideas?

  • ghost_of_faso2
    1 year ago

    do you find youtube format videos easier to digest?

    Id also say dont be too hard on yourself to get through theory quickly, theory takes an entire lifetime to digest and understand as often reading it isnt enough, you need to read it then go out and expeirence life and then understand how it fits into it.

    I would say even one page of theory a day is enough, build it up slowly over time and dont rush yourself.