I hate how libs ALWAYS try to compare real politics to popular media.

Maybe it says something about their ability to comprehend complex situations without needing to compare it to something made to be easily understandable. Or maybe it’s a testament to their belief that there are somehow objective good and evil sides in the world, or think real politics should play out like a movie.

  • KommandoGZD
    2 years ago

    Cheers comrade <3 I watched Shauns video some weeks ago and remember him addressing that book, but I haven’t read it. I’ve tried my best to not engage with JKRs shit and anything she puts out/says ever since the 7th book came out, because I always saw her ruining the books with her retconning and retroactively inserting her current vibes into those books.

    These books have enough faults and inconsistencies as is, but her trying to force this stuff in after the fact in the most clumsy way possible (see the example you gave), just causes more and more damage and combined with her apparently horrible personal politics it just makes the issues worse, has people rightfully interpreting them the worst possible way and overanalyzing every damn thing in these novels.