I agree with some of this.
I think it’s important to note that their significant increase in wealth was due to the fact that the stock market was on an insane bull run and most of their wealth is tide to it. Comparing this to bank return rates isn’t fair.
They could not in fact send $18 dollars in cash to everyone on the planet. Ending world hunger and malaria, its not as simple as throwing money at it.
I am all for denoucing greed and think the rich should be taxed a lot more than they are and they must be given less options to avoid taxes, but that post is just a little “silly”.
I am all for denoucing greed and think the rich should be taxed a lot more than they are and they must be given less options to avoid taxes, but that post is just a little “silly”.
I somewhat know what you mean, it reminds me a bit of a post saying something like “today my 5 year-old asked me why the founder of amazon makes more in an hour than I make in a year”;
however, in terms of silly, taking a philosophical position against greed and how many tax loopholes legislators should give the rich is a bit more silly than someone who takes the initiative to do some back of napkin math and proactively post it to an audience of millions in attempt to stir some action.
If someone is serious about changing tax laws, one thing they could do is contact their representatives. If they live in the US, they can be found here: https://whoaremyrepresentatives.org/
If they are in the EU, they could start here: https://europa.eu/european-union/contact/write-to-us_en
Other places with representation probably have information posted online as well.
On another hand, trying to change legislation by contacting representatives may be so ineffectual it’s as silly as proclaiming the laws should be different …
Seriously though, I would rather see more substantial content then somewhat sensational numbers thrown around on retweet bait on social media, but I’m not really in a position to judge since I’m not doing anything else about it.
They could not in fact send $18 dollars in cash to everyone on the planet. Ending world hunger and malaria, its not as simple as throwing money at it.
When people use examples like that are not meant as a panacea but as a simple comparator for people to grasp the scale of the situation. It’s like saying ‘if you took all your veins out and laid them end to end, they would extend to Mars’, isn’t posited as a suggestion.
Anyone who thinks that issues we face as a species can be resolved either by throwing money at it or by throwing all the billionaires into a human sized blender and live streaming it, probably think that national and global economies are exactly like household budgets and it’s just a case of ‘balancing the books’
choppy french boi will save us all
Meanwhile they have used the pandemic as an excuse to cut wages and generally make workers’ lives harder, while saying that “we’re all in this together”.
Calling the rich pigs is an insult to pigs.