I just wonder that if I coward of a street fight, how good will I be on an actual revolution or in an apocalyptic scenario? Also, I wonder if not fighting bullies gives them ammunition to get away with their bad behavior and or reinforces it?

I know that in our current day and age, one might refuse to fight and just let the police deal with that. But if the collapse happened and we were in Mad Max, is not fighting a good strategy?

What is the philosophy on fighting? And on walking away?

  • relay
    1 year ago

    Depends on the situation. Are they attacking you to rob you? You can turn the situation around and say “I’m so sorry to hear that you are so desparate that you’d resort to potentially hurting yourself for these goods. What lead you down this path? Perhaps we can help you look for other means?” Are they using this as a situation to assert dominance and continuously rob you or break you into submission? Run if outnumbered. Intimidate about who else you can call to assist with violence. If they are just attacking you and you can’t reason with them, run and if they reach proximity, knock them back or trip them then use their loss of control to gain distance.