For example, theres this sea slug that I found out eats algae, which is normally exactly what you think is usual for an underwater marine animal, but guess what? IT USES THE CHLOROPLASTS FROM THE ALGAE AND THEN GAINS THE ABILITY TO USE PHOTOSYNTHESIS AS A SLUG VIA ABSORBING PLANTS

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    I did damage to my mental with bad psychedelics and I was functionally schizophrenic for one month. I had all the symptoms. I had to slowly “train” myself to overcome them, it took years and I’m 99% back to normal.

    But yeah. I saw out of my ears once. Like it was like my vision was sucked out of my ears from both sides and flared out like a trumpet. With a horrible stretching sensation of my mind.

    There was another time where it felt like my mind was being assaulted by what I could only describe as “vibratory hell waves” (aka rushing tinnitus as opposed to ringing tinnitus).

    Hearing things was scary. It was like…like a real sound, but I could tell something was off. A whisper in the curtains that sounded fundamentally wrong. A yelp that sounded like the sound was stretched out, flipped, shrunk back, and pitched up and down in lightning fast oscillation. But I like…FELT it to. In my bones.

    Sorry if this is rough to read, I don’t know what work you do but I know that shit is taxing.

    • DankZedong A
      2 years ago

      Researchers think the reason the voices sound weird is because the voices seem to come from a part of the brain that is not directly involved in forming language and speech. So most of the times the things the voices say is very short and without much grammar because complex language and grammar is formed in another part of the brain.

      The best analogy I heard was when someone compared it to a library where the librarian brings books in request, with books being words. In a psychoses the librarian brings you books but nobody asked for them, but they come up regardless.

      • KiG V2
        2 years ago

        Wow, thanks for the info!

        This goes perfectly with my experience. I would often hear just sounds or one or two words. If I had to guess I would guess it was some distorted hybrid of several memories as it didn’t sound “original” it sounded like what an AI that was fed my memories would guess would be something that someone I know would say etc. To build on that analogy I would add is it’s like the librarian is being told to make dinner and the chef is being told to bring you books.

        Ugh, man this shit is icky to think about. The psychedelics definitely caused me to form neural connections that I wasn’t supposed to. I could feel my organs, my digestion, and my blood flow until I crimestopped it enough that the neurons withered but I know if I invested in the pathways it would light up again like it was yesterday. Many other similar things besides language or body awareness. I would also say that it definitely opened up perspectives that felt “forbidden” and, after slowly recovering from the initial shock and the cognitive dissonance, contributed to wisdom.

        Not trying to ramble lol but damn this shit…

        Again, thank you so much for the info, very interesting.