• Weilai Hope
    2 years ago

    Ah yes i’ve definitely noticed that weird violence against animal abusers. Not that i would defend them, but the violence aways seems to extreme and over the top that i figured in a world where we’re supposed to be restrained these people need an outlet to vent their rage on that is deserving of it. That’s why there’s Nazi killing fetishism, and the whole zombie craze, which was basically an expression of this need to brutalise hordes of people who are human yet inhuman.

    These people, libs and fascists, are full of anger, rage and hatred, but they suppose they are moral and superior people, so they latch onto a target which is acceptable for their rage and sadism. It just always struck me as odd that they include communists in this group, because it always seemed that most people at least had the idea that communist is “good on paper not in practice” but recently the trend is changing to view all leftists as equal to nazis.