Every time I talk about communism to my extremely right-wing dad, he always says without fail “The high-ranking members of the communist party are elitists who live like kings in mansions and drive luxurious cars while the rest of the population live like peasants. That makes them worse than capitalists.” I call that bs, but I dont know much about the wealth differences between high-ranking party members and the rest of the populous. Is it really that wide?

  • 201dberg
    1 year ago

    So he described capitalism and called it communism? Because last I checked nearly all members of Congress are multimillionaires and not like, a few million but tens and hundreds of millions. lol.

    Stalin died with less to his name than the average American worker at the time. Not because the USSR was poor, but because party members were compensated modestly. Not extravagantly as in the US.