• KiG V2
    1 year ago

    I will have you know I actually clicked this link prepared to read it in good faith, although I admitted I assumed I would have some tangential knowledge that would paint a clearer picture in favor of China.

    And then I discovered IMMEDIATELY that was the case!

    This is written by Adrian Zenz.

    Adrian Zenz is an American fascist with ties to the CIA who claims he was sent by God to destroy homosexuals and communist China. I would hope that fact alone would assassinate his character a bit and make you question if he is telling the truth. He is indeed the very focal point of where the entire Xinjiang myth began.

    As you can see, he thanks his four ANONYMOUS contributers and the Victims of Communism memorial organization. It is a very common CIA tactic to make up a few conveniently untraceable “anonymous sources” to say quite literally anything they like with an air of authority and expertise. That, and the “Victims of Communism” is an organization with many capitalist and fascist ties that has collaborated with Neo-Nazi groups in order to spread lies about any socialist country they can run their mouth about.

    Should we really trust what a bunch of CIA spooks and fascists have to say about a socialist country?

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    By contrast, here is just a taste of the counter narrative:


    China essentially said, after the Western slander, to the entire world: if you feel there is anything amiss about what we are doing in Xinjiang, please, send diplomats unannounced to Xinjiang and inspect for yourself; we have nothing to hide. (More on this at the end)

    So, what ARE they doing in Xinjiang?

    In short: fascist deradicalization and economic development, which ultimately just aids the fascist deradicalization goal.

    You see, America has spent decades trying to destroy China. One small example of this, is they sent Islamist extremists associated with the Taliban up northeast into Xinjiang to spread their fascist ideology. It worked, and Xinjiang was quickly overcome with fascist terrorism.

    The usual gameplan the West has adhered to when dealing with unwanted Islamofascist terrorists is simple: bomb them into oblivion, damned be any civilians in the crossfire.

    Instead, China has detained them, and put them in re-education and vocational training facilities. They teach men they don’t have to commit jihad to please Allah, they teach women they aren’t merely child-bearers. Islam itself retains its strength; there are hundreds more mosques in the Xinjiang province than before this American-borne fiasco started. Uighur culture is celebrated, not suppressed; only Taliban-borne “culture” that has been in Xinjiang a mere decade or less is a target of suppression.

    They are given vocational training as part of an effort to economically uplift them. The most susceptible to fascism are those who are desperate. China took some responsibility, and admitted that Xinjiang was very undeveloped and isolated from the rest of China. They have sought only to fix this divide and to give future Uighurs a chance to prosper, so that such extremism is of no interest to them.


    What about the open invitation to check out the Xinjiang re-education facilities?

    Well, absolutely zero Western countries took them up on the offer. None! Nobody, no brave journalists from the West dared to inspect the stories they were peddling.

    You know who DID send emissaries? Almost every single Muslim-majority country on the Earth (many of whom have been victimized by the West and the West alone this last century, but I digress). And do you know what they said? They unanimously congratulated China on their compassionate handling of the situation.

    I’m sorry my friend, but you’ve been lied to.

    • gmtom@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Adrian is German actually. But yeah, good point, anyone associated with the victims of communism institute can’t be trusted.

      But there is still plenty of evidence to. Like even the stuff China openly admits, that’s they have giant Internet camps where people of a specific religion are detained without trial to be “re-educated” is already pretty horrific. And China doesn’t even deny that part.

      And do you really think China would let foreign diplomats just waltz into the country unannounced to do a surprise inspection of one of those facilities, without being guided to see what they want to be seen? Like if America did something similar would you take it face value? No right, so all I ask is you apply the same skepticism you would rightly apply to the US to China as well. And to nations like Iran that are more than corrupt enough to give China their stamp of approval in exchange for some financing. Like they are perfectly fine murdering their own citizens for simple protestest, but you expect them to be bleeding hearts when China treats its Muslims poorly?

      We are all lied to every day, I try to see through it as best I can, but clearly not always, but I don’t assume because one “side” is lying to me that the other is telling the truth.