• Giyuu
    1 年前

    Yeah so first off, we need to acknowledge that people are social animals. We aren’t special creatures separate from our evolution. As social animals our outlook is determined by our direct relationships with other people and our place among our community and society at large. This directly informs not only our ability to live and survive and reproduce, but our kins ability to survive and also reproduce.

    Here we see the rough outline of the beginning of larger society from the base unit. It’s an incredibly more complex topic than this but we must be brief. What’s interesting here is that we also see the beginnings of class once women start being traded. Again very complex and requires books, but let’s keep general trends in mind as we are supposed to when discussing macro concepts (as a side, that’s another point liberals tend to forget - the need to focus on overall trends, which is necessary for the discussion of massive economies and history over time). So now we have class within society which also directly informs our direct relationships and relationships abroad.

    And this is a self sustaining mechanism (because we are social - that is to say we care about our relationships and thus shared interests because they benefit us individually or our kin) that changes very slowly over thousands of years due to many factors (reading a book is again required). We can use the European model of history and generalize that dominant classes tend to change hands every couple of thousands or hundreds of years. Because it is self sustaining (somewhat - civilizations can fluctuate, for example the collapse of the USSR*, or the existence of the southern American slave economy within a capitalist world), a dominant class can effectively shape its own society for a long period of time. There are obviously a billion conditions that can determine what state a society is in at any given time, but again, we are concerned with the model here, or in other words the general trend.

    So in this we start to see how people actually behave through the unification of biology and human history. It’s extremely rough and in the works but strong enough that we can reject any suggestions about human behavior that fall short of the standard. What this means about “bad people fucking around” is that this is a view of people in a very narrow view of history. As class changes how people act (again, generally) accordingly to their relationships, in a dictatorship of the proletariat you expect over time the likelihood of bad actors (1) appearing to decrease and (2) the likelihood of succeeding at whatever they do to decrease as well.

    *For a quick look at the fall of the Soviet Union (a sample size of 1, but important nonetheless) I recommend a video by either Hakim or Paul Cockshott.

    This post was paid for by Xi bucks. Yes my social credit score is through the roof. Comrades may reproduce this post for free without referencing the writer.

    Not going to answer subsequent questions. They can be answered by further inquiry to proper sources.