• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    1 year ago

    Bro, you’re on a Marxist-Leninist instance.

    None of us believe the revolution will happen overnight. We believe in building the revolution through raising class-conscienceness. We understand that what needs to happen takes time, and we understand that sometimes it’s a Sisyphusian struggle. It’s not “no compromise, no discussion” as you stated, we understand the need for discussion. Talk to any principled communist, you’ll get an honest discussion. But you also have to understand that there’s absolutely no room for compromise if that compromise means counter-revolutionaries can prevent actual change from happening. If you’ve heard the adage “give an inch, take a mile”, that applies in the instance of building a brighter future.

    If we let racists have a say, they’ll prevent measures to repair racial relations. If we let sexists have a say, they’ll prevent measures for gender equality. If we let supporters of the current socio-economic system have a say, they’ll prevent the transition to a better system. This isn’t just conjecture, these are things that we’ve learned from previous revolutions, and from our efforts towards creating new revolutions. Marxism-Leninism is a scientific ideology, we observe the world, explain it, then learn from it. We have learned that we can’t compromise, or detractors will take everything away from the revolution that they can.

    Further, we understand that the revolution will, very likely, come in the form of social upheaval and civil war. No successful revolution has come into being without bloodshed. We know we can’t just vote socialism into being. When the revolution eventually comes, it will be solidified by the deaths of many of our fellow countryfolk. This isn’t something we take pride in, this isn’t something we wish for. But it’s something we deeply understand.

    You have tried to make a point, without understanding that this is something that we’re already fully aware of. History says it, our theory says it, our forums say it. You’re reminding us of something we’ve all read and discussed many times.