The tweet translated:

Today is the anniversary of the massacre of students and workers who fought for freedom, rights and democracy in China, but were suppressed with violence and repression. China’s repression of dissidents unfortunately continues in high gear.

This dude is the new leader for “Enhedslisten”(Unity List), the only “socialist”(They have recently been pro NATO until an alternative arises) party with enough mandates to receive government positions, they are fairly popular.

Denmark is so cucked.

The tweet:

News article about him becoming “ordfører” for Enhedslisten: (Danish)

  • Ronin_5
    1 year ago

    I’d say that the whole event was win-win for China. Got rid of counter-revolutionaries, and the sanctions motivated China to develop their own (military) tech.

    It’s a shame that it wasn’t used as an example of US neo-colonialism as it should have been.