People are, including politicians and big name Western figures, are talking about expelling Russian students or putting Russian immigrants in concentration camps. Websites are blocking access by all Russian IP addresses and other companies are similarly denying service to Russians. Basically, all open hostility toward all manner of Russian people are being validated and encouraged under the guise of anti-war and “solidarity” with Ukraine.

It’s the exact same situation as anti-Asian racism when Covid hit, or anti-Muslim racism after 9/11, or anti-Black racism when a black person commits a serious crime, and a million other cases.

To further add insult, it’s also most likely that all Slavic people, not just Russians, will be treated like shit because of this. It’s not like racists can and/or care to tell the difference. We’ve again seen it happen when anti-Mainland-Chinese hate during the Hong Kong riots extended Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean, and yes, even Hong Kongers. And when anti-Muslim hate extended to Hindus and Sikhs, or just anyone who looks “brown”, regardless of their religious beliefs. So if you’re a Slavic person but not Russian asking “well why should I care that Russians are being treated like shit? I don’t like Russia anyway!” Well other than the obvious reason, there you go.