• @nour
    12 years ago

    Have you ever tried XMonad?

  • @acabjones
    12 years ago

    I’d love to switch to sway from i3. However, things like lock screen and screen saver, display sleep, etc, seem hard to figure out in a diy WM. Not to say those things weren’t hard to figure out in xorg world, but I’ve already invested the effort and I’m older and significantly lazier now.

    • Dessalines
      12 years ago

      Same boat, there are still too many things i rely on with xorg to do the switch yet to sway.

      • @jokeyrhyme@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        I prefer Zig, Rust, Go, and every other programming language that isn’t the cause of 70% of CVEs

        Humans are just bad at managing memory safety, so why encourage the use of such tools?