This dude has a political science major… I tried telling him that in social democracy the workers don’t own the means of production so it’s still capitalism, but he doesn’t listen. I remember went he stopped supporting my country’s (Netherlands) neoliberal party (D66) and started supporting PvdA, our socialdemocratic party. I was hopeful that he was slowly turning to the left, but nothing’s changed. What are some arguments against socialdemocracy that a social democrat might listen to?

  • Cysioland
    1 year ago

    Social democracy in the imperial core is also dependent on the exploitation of the periphery. With more and more nationalist coups and socialist revolutions in the Global South, this will become blatantly obvious to the people of Europe.

    I feel like Polish people are slowly getting the taste of their own medicine. Anti-Ukrainian sentiment (against the Ukrainians already here trying to bring home the bacon, not against the Zelensky government), getting super reactionary about protecting The Borders™ (and the neolib party scolding fucking PiS for being too good to migrants/refugees), etc. Poland is becoming more similar to the Western™ countries.