I was going to post an array of images, but frankly I’m just so tired of seeing their horseshit.

This is u/Traditional_Hall_592, either the single greatest fucking troll ever or a self-professed North Korean refugee who was drilled Marxist ideas into his head at the age of 6 and considers himself so fucking enlightened that he thinks even Engels and Marx were fucking wrong about the most basic characterisations of the proletariat. Who tells me to read Mao but ignores simple quotes from Mao disproving him. Who is so insanely batshit that they make multiple replies based on total fucking horseshit.

I mean this in no offensive ways when I say they come across as bipolar. Their repeated ranting on threads comes across as someone who is massively unstable.

Feel free to scroll through their comments in your own time, I’m gonna get a drink.