• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    3 years ago

    I feel kinda bad for vets who signed up to go fight in the ‘war on terror’, then realized either after their deployment or now that Afghanistan is being pulled out of that it was all just propaganda.

    It’s really gotta be soul-crushing to go through such a traumatic experience, then learn none of it was for anything. I really hope this radicalizes military families, seeing that nothing that’s happened in the last 20 years mattered, it was all just empty imperialism to make a few billionaires a little richer, and meanwhile, their sons are a little deader.

    If this isn’t a catalyst for revolt (in any form) I’ll be very upset. I’ve been told there’s already calls for “resistance” by military members, but I have no idea what they would mean by that, since the term’s been watered down by liberals. Part of me really wants to see this boil into armed rebellion at the capital, I think it’d be eye-opening for Americans to see men and women in uniform brandishing military weapons and equipment at or around the capital, making demands towards the government. That armed rebellion would likely be right-leaning, and would likely only result in an openly militaristic capitalistic junta being put into place. But, I think what’s more likely for this “resistance” is nothing more than the marches the liberals held against Trump after he entered office.

    We could use this as an opportunity to educate, but our lack of a cohesive communist party makes that a rather difficult task, so the only outcome I see coming of this is a stronger shift towards overt fascism.