This is in India. On Amazon most of the stuff seems very low quality. Reviews average around three starts, with loads of wonderland four/five star reviews and a load of one star ones, so the variation is very high.

So far I have looked at rubber plates, bars, and resistance bands.

Is Amazon like this where you are at too? I don’t buy anything from Amazon usually but have been pigeonholed because where I am living right now is in the middle of nowhere and I have no access to personal transportation aside from a bicycle, and with lockdown reinstated even having a car wouldn’t be very helpful.

  • loathesome dongeaterOP
    24 years ago

    I’ll try Ali Express. I have also been trying to get in touch with a local gym equipment shop but they aren’t responding to phone calls for whatever reason. Kinda anxious because curfew is gonna begin from tonight.

    But Ali Express seems like a good bet.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      34 years ago

      I don’t know if you’ve ever used aliexpress before but here are some tips (and if anything they can help other people who’ve never used it):

      • Different sellers carry the exact same product but at different prices. When you find what you want to buy, open the page and scroll down; there will be similar items from other sellers (in the More to Love section). Often you can find the same product cheaper.
      • Make sure to select the size/variation and shipping point first, as you may incur shipping costs (rarely) that don’t show up before you select it. Basically a 10$ item may be 13$ with shipping, and another may be 11$ and free shipping.
      • that said, sometimes they put in the same pictures as another seller but it’s not the exact same product. It may be a different quality or slightly different.
      • Do your research in the customer reviews! Most people review 4 or 5 stars because anything below penalises the seller and they try to push you to the 5 star rating. Most people also review the product right after receiving it, not after regular use. Carefully look at the pictures and try to find people who have used the product for a while, or who can give an in-depth review, like noticing small defects. If there are no reviews, I don’t even buy it – unless the item is really, really cheap and low-quality is not dangerous.
      • You can also contact the seller and ask for pictures or more information. Sometimes they’ll accommodate you in making the product slightly different for you.
      • if the product you receive is not the same as what was advertised in the specifications tab, you can ask for a refund without hassle. For example if it’s not the same material.

      Honestly I’ve had everything from fake materials to really high-quality stuff for cheap (my personal favorite are my true bluetooth earphones that do everything airpods but they cost like 20 bucks).

      Cause if you buy weights you don’t want them to break down on you when you’re lifting them.