I created a matrix room for anybody on Lemmy to join. The main goal of this chat is to bring people together and use the internet for organizing.

Organizing locally is still the best way to get things done and this or any chat rooms over the internet should be considered complimentary because the material conditions and strategical peculiarities vary according to the nation you’re in.

Tasks in mind:

  • Bring comrades from other social media to communist Lemmy
  • Promote periodic discussions, quality posts on Lemmy
  • Do a collective research or essays on chosen subjects, translate them, and share through private social media.
  • Produce propaganda to share on private social media.

Remember, our strength depends entirely on our historical and personal commitment to organization. We alone cannot do much, but together we’ll have enough forces to make a difference.

  • @fiber_death
    13 years ago

    Huh. Weird. I actually noticed the same error on a different channel and I was told it was because my homeserver didn’t know how to connect to it. Changing it fixed the problem I had on the second channel, but I didn’t try to connect to this one again. So I guess by trying to fix a non existent problem you fixed one that did indeed exist.