Memes aside, of course any support from communists has to be highly critical in this case because there are some very pronounced reactionary tendencies there…

  • cfgaussianOP
    1 year ago

    Hopefully someone who is equally or more dependable when it comes to staying vigilant about imperialist regime change attempts, keeping western NGOs and other neoliberal influence tentacles at bay, and resisting the pressure to liberalize the economy. At the same time hopefully being less of a cringe reactionary grandpa than Lukashenko when it comes to LGBT stuff. A lot can be learned from China, Cuba and Vietnam in this regard, all of whom are managing to make quiet but steady progress in this regard without giving in to rainbow imperialism or emulating the West’s liberal identity politics that just create a culture war which polarizes the society.

    However i am afraid that might just be a bit of idealistic wishful thinking on my part, i am not even sure there will be another leader of an independent Belarus after Luka. The Union State with Russia is probably going to evolve more and more toward a real merger of the two. Belarus is likely going to be going in the same direction as Russia, both socially and economically, so the real question is: which direction is Russia going to go in after Putin? As long as he is in charge it will be status quo, which is both good and bad, but just like Xi his age probably means that he will be retiring sometime this decade.

    Interesting things are happening in the world today already and in the future things will get even more interesting. We’re at a real crossroads moment in history.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      1 year ago

      I’m hoping Russia is going to start looking more towards Chinese model going forward as well. Support for liberalism in Russia is the lowest it’s been since the collapse of USSR, and I imagine a lot of people look at the Chinese model as the way forward. It’s also not all that dissimilar economically from where Russia is at right now. The major step that’s needed would be to have a serious communist party take control of the government.