This type of behavior is indicative of a larger cultural problem that devalues women and their contributions. It also creates an environment that reinforces the idea that men are superior and that women should not be taken seriously. By allowing this type of content, social media sites like Facebook are perpetuating this ideology.

This type of thinking is oppressive and is a form of fascism. In my opinion, if you are not a feminist, you are a fascist.

Sorry if the Facebook memes in the pic are disturbing. But I needed to make a point.

  • EverybodyHatesNaomiOP
    1 year ago

    Women’s bodies will be exploited as long as there is a profit motive. This exploitation often takes the form of objectification, commodification, and sexualization. This exploitation has been normalized and perpetuated through the media, advertisements, and other forms of popular culture. Women are often portrayed as objects to be admired or used for pleasure, instead of being seen as individuals with agency and autonomy. As a result, women’s bodies remain commodified and objectified. This exploitation can also be seen in the sex industry, where women’s bodies are treated as commodities and are bought and sold for sexual gratification. Prostitution, strip clubs, and other forms of sex work are often seen as acceptable, which further perpetuates the objectification of women’s bodies. Communism seeks to abolish the oppressive capitalist system that commodifies and objectifies women’s bodies.

    We need communism for women’s liberation there is no alternative.

    • coderade
      1 year ago

      Capitalism and sexism reinforce each other definitely. We should be abolishing commodification of everything, especially women. In capitalism women can be leaders of capitalistic enterprises, but they have had mixed results of show well they actually change the system. Capitalism relies on exploitation and women have been exploited for far too long.