So this is something ive thought about a little bit and never really see it talked about much. Im curious to hear what others here think.

Basically the premise is this. We had the league of nations and that failed. Now we have the UN and while arguably more effective in some ways atleast its still pretty bad at reigning in rogue states like the US and Israel for example.

So thinking about the future how should we change the structure of something like the UN to make it more ideal for a world post-US Empire. Im also curious to hear if you all would even support an organization like this or if you prefer to allow nations to engage in diplomatic talks one on one and not have an international community butting in.

What level of control should a “UN” have, and what mechanisms should it have access to for putting pressure on member nations if any?

  • IHave69XiBucksOP
    13 days ago

    Also im talking about a time period here before we have socialism globally. Like something that could host nations in it that are ideologically opposed like the UN does now but just actually function in its most important jobs like stopping genocides. So not really the internationale either since thats just socialist nations. The Warsaw Pact and Internationale are both like very ideologically pure. Its a lot harder to have an international organization between all nations where they have a lot of disagreements i think.