
id start a nuclear war for a dorito

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2022


  • Q: You recently said, not referring to socialism in general but to the USSR in particular, that socialism had been assassinated, stabbed in the back. In this conspiracy of daggers that killed socialism, would you say Gorbachev was one of the assassins?

    A: No, I could not say that about Gorbachev because I have another view of Gorbachev and it is not one of an assassin who plotted the USSR’s destruction.

    The USSR self-destructed in an incredible way. The responsibility for that self-destruction undoubtedly lies in the hands of the country’s leaders, those who led that nation. Now, some of them were aware they were destroying it and others were not. That is what I was trying to say, more or less, and we saw it all from the beginning.

    I cannot say Gorbachev played a role in which he was aware of the destruction of the USSR because I have no doubt that Gorbachev intended to fight to improve socialism.

    We approved of Soviet efforts to improve socialism in the USSR. But we could not approve of, and never would have agreed to, not only the destruction of socialism in the USSR, but also the destruction of the USSR itself. That inflicted terrible damage on all peoples of the world and created a bad situation for the Third World in particular.

    Imperialism would have been able to disintegrate the Soviet Union, had the Soviets not destroyed themselves, had those responsible for the strategies and tactics and for the country’s political and government policies not destroyed the country. In other words, socialism did not die from natural causes: it was a suicide, socialism was murdered. That is what I meant.

    He is referring specifically to socialism in the USSR, and suicide by the leaders of that country less so than socialists in general.

  • IHave69XiBuckstoFunnyNarrative Collapse
    6 days ago

    people see things from their own perspective. They saw China helping other nations and assumed it must be a trick because the west would never just help without strings attached. The idea of building trust and good relations just doesnt compute to them because what they call good relations with the global south is just domination.

    They just dont understand how China operates and its why China continues to run circles around them.

  • I have a theory on this id like to share. I do not think they are using neutron bombs. But i think instead they are lacing conventional weapons with small amounts of enriched uranium.

    Why would they do this? Well i believe there are 2 reasons. 1 is the cause of a health crisis from the radiation and higher rates of cancer and other issues but i dont think thats the main one.

    The 2nd and most important reason they do this in my opinion is tracking.

    You find a small outpost of fighters, and hit them with a bomb laced with enriched uranium particles. The bombs are likely designed not to kill everyone in the area immediately. Then the uranium get all over, and inside the people in the outpost, and those people flee to other nearby outposts or bases of whatever faction you are targeting. You can then track the radiation trail left behind by the survivors and follow them right to any other bases in that area.

    This explains why the other signs of nuclear weapons use are not there. Because it is in fact a conventional weapon. It would also only require a small amount of enriched uranium so would be harder to detect and explain why we didnt figure it out sooner.

  • It was hard to read that article the framing was just constant and so gross and i scroll up to see what mega liberal wrote it and its someone who is apparently the henry kissenger distinguished professor. Guess that explains it. That dude should be thrown into the red sea jesus. Literally advocating for the US to just start a war with iran in the article.

  • IHave69XiBuckstochapotraphouse@hexbear.netHe should do this
    9 days ago

    i think it would be better if he come completely normal but like as theyre standing in front of the cameras together Xi just starts throwing it back and 100 hidden chinese agents jump out of the shadows and start dancing with him and Biden is just standing there stunned in silence while The secret service are freaking out.