Irony is, those in need of deprogramming the most are the ones into programming. How is it even possible that people that are supposed to be so intelligent/logical/rational are actually this gullible to state’s propaganda that they believe it without a shred of doubt.

  • RedClouds
    2 years ago

    Intelligence and political awareness aren’t correlated. Confrontation with politics in everyday life and political awareness are.

    This makes so much sense. I came into software development after being poor, and that allowed me to insulate myself against some of the crap the lifelong developers buy into.

    I grew up middle/upper class, but did not conform to capitalist ideas after high school (Went to college and got a psych degree, was super into science regardless of pay, graduated with no “marketable skills”), of course ended up poor. I went back to college for C.S (Which is lucky I even had that opportunity), bought into the capitalist mindset for awhile, and now I make good money. But that class consciousness (I just never had a term for it until about 6 months ago) never went away, and now that I’ve discovered what communism actually is, I feel stuck, surrounded by a culture I no longer respect.