• SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    2 months ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was at least some weight to the “last supper” nonsense, tbh. Many in the LGBT community (myself included) have at least a bit of a grudge or dislike (understatement) for Christianity for obvious and entirely justified reasons- personally I did a drag performance quite a while back mocking it (Christianity) myself (I’ll refrain from going into more to avoid doxxing myself, anyways I probably wouldn’t do it nowadays simply as I’d have better things to do, but I still see absolutely nothing wrong with it)

    That said- it’s one thing to do it in a comfy space, and perhaps another to do it at the Olympics. Personally I can’t help but feel like this is at least in some part, also the typical “let’s use the LGBT community to enrage chuds” schtick that the west loves doing and which I’ve come to realize just… really isn’t to our benefit, rather the opposite, especially when it comes to on the global stage- where they’re basically using our community’s genuine struggles and expression, as yet another “human rights” (genuine in this case and in many but not all cases) stick with which to browbeat others at the cost of LGBT lives, and inciting even further persecution.

    Not that I’d overall mind much in this case. It’s their (Paris’) Olympics, it’s theirs to do what they want with it- just existing isn’t a crime, nor is expressing ourselves. And if they wanted to make it gay as fuck, more power to them, actually, I can appreciate that. What I myself found tasteless was the backdrop of it all happening within (and by) a country that is supporting genocide, with genocidaire Zio athletes participating openly, with Palestinians suppressed (hell, some athletes and coaches who would otherwise have been there were killed), and with the French smurf singing about “peace” and “nudity” (both perfectly agreeable things) when the entire world really doesn’t need to hear that from the bloody French (and the west in general) of all people…

    I can’t be alone in thinking that in this context- not only was it pinkwashing, but it was just plain designed to piss people off and direct them our way, can I?