• darkernations
    1 month ago

    That most of the population does not need to be taxed; it is supposed to be - at least nominally - that the wealthiest elites give some of the wealth back to the labourers that they have appropriated from to maintain a sufficient quality of life to carry on producing wealth for the elites.

    However, as the wealthiest elites have power over legislature they have shifted the tax burden on to the rest of us. And through their media have asked us not to blame them - ie not to blame those who do not work and make money of the labour of others - but to blame the poorest instead.

    The question is why would one willingly propagate their propaganda for them. If one stops working are they more likely to become destitute or join the wealthiest elite? If it is the former then one is closer to the poorest sectors of society than the wealthiest.

    However, if they are aleady framing the question as suggested by OP then it is unlikely that appealing to their empathetic sensibilities will be effective.

    You could even make the argument that a nation’s wealth is not its tax revenue but I figured we should may be focus on existing narratives within capitalist mythologies.

    However, the above logical explanations of capitalist society is unlikely to work. Westerners intelligently seek out racist and bourgois narratives as they feels it benefits them. And this western culture (or more correctly culture of the bourgousie) has permeated globally to all the other capitalist countries as it fits their class perspectives

    /edit: clarity