• Justice
    2 months ago

    I watched it while multitasking, but my best summary would be… if you have a highly reactionary person you want to slowly bring back from the brink, maybe this is methadone for them? To help wean them off liberalism. But that’s rather generous really.

    The creator hits a few more nuances than most liberals would. Acknowledgment that US imperialism is bad, although he does give a semi-mocking tone to this so I’m not totally sure of his opinions on it. I think he’s kind of right that some “leftists” (or whatever they are. Maybe actually leftists) go too far in “defending” the DPRK. Again, my stance is basically “you don’t need to “defend” anything. Just analyze it as factually as possible. And before any real analysis can be done in the case of DPRK there is a pre-requisite that almost no one except those on the left will meet- acknowledge that the USA totally destroyed the infrastructure there, sanctioned them for about 75 years now, and has done everything in its power to force its citizens to die or live lives of extreme poverty.”

    If this resulted in some “quirky” behavior, hey, no fucking shit?

    Maybe that seems like a cop out or whatever to “avoid” real discussion, but I’d just reply with “no, I’ll discuss any negatives or positives of the government of DPRK, right after we discuss the incredible hardships they’ve been forced to endure mostly at the hands of the Japanese empire and then immediately after the American empire.” You can’t discuss any country in a bubble or vacuum. You can I guess, but your analysis is immediately flawed and probably just bullshit.

    So the creator is like a couple ticks down from typical libs on “let’s nuke DPRK immediately” (he also denies that western powers have desired to destroy DPRK for… 70 years which was weird as fuck. He thinks it’s wrong to say them having nukes keep them safe from invasion which is objectively true. Unless I misunderstood some point he was making).

    Still shit. Still a reactionary saying things. Appropriately placed content.