So genuinely curious, i have heard the tianonmen square massacre never happened, but if that is the case, could somebody kindly explain this picture? Thanks! And much love comrades

  • Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    1 year ago

    Another few links on top of the other users have posted.

    General Information

    “Government reports and independent media personnel generally claim that a total of 250 to 300 people died in total before the violence subsided. Many of those dead were soldiers. There was no “massacre” in any sense that this world could be sensibly used.”

    How it was covered in the PRC (use translation):


    “Serious corruption has grown among a small number of cadres, which has damaged the party’s prestige among the masses and the image of socialism in people’s minds. As a result, the once restrained bourgeois liberalization trend of thought flooded again. In the spring and summer of 1989, a very small number of anti-communist and anti-socialist elements took advantage of the party’s mistakes in work and the people’s dissatisfaction with rising prices, especially corruption among some cadres, to instigate opposition to the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system. Activity. They took advantage of the masses to mourn the death of Hu Yaobang, spread rumors wantonly, set off a planned, organized, and premeditated political turmoil, and incited some people in the Beijing area who did not know the truth to occupy Tiananmen Square and attack the key departments of the party and government leaders. Create counter-revolutionary riots. At a critical moment of life and death for the party and the country, Zhao Ziyang, general secretary of the party central committee, made a serious mistake of supporting turmoil and splitting the party. With the firm and strong support of Deng Xiaoping and other revolutionaries of the older generation, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee relied on the people, unequivocally opposed the turmoil, and took decisive measures to quell the counter-revolutionary riots in one fell swoop on June 4, defending the socialist state power and safeguarding the people’s fundamental interests.”

    Not going to link the NSFL images here of the mutilated soldiers here but they are readily available on search engines. One of them is strangled and tied to a burnt bus, with mutalited body parts stuffed in his mouth, another was ambushed by terrorists pretending to need help and strangled on a bridge and burnt alive. These aren’t exactly the hallmarks of the “peaceful pro-democracy” protests that western media portrays.

    The fact that some of the student leaders such as Wuer Kaixi and Chai Ling have gone on to become wealthy and prolific figures in rogue ROC as well as the US is quite telling as well. Chai Ling especially mentioned she was wishing for bloodshed, but she was not willing to bleed for their supposed cause.

    If these rogue elements had succeeded in their colour revolution, it would’ve made the collapse of the Soviet Union look tame by comparison.

    • dghgrdesxcOP
      1 year ago

      Thanks for all the details, still going through all of it, but so far it makes sense given the rest of u.s. history. Cuba, Guatemala, and ofc the soviet union, i appreciate all the help clearing it up for me.