The western european diaspora now need to care because the free stolen fruit of labor from the colonized people and imprisoned Aboriginal children in fake cultural assimilation policy had regressed the European diaspora into parasites who need to abandon their own white caste in rural regions into poverty in favor of immigrant of color to sustain Western European civilization.
Well, apart from the child labour, kidnapping, forced sterilizations, lethal heterosexism and cissexism, famines, superexploitation of the proletariat, and extermination of approximately fifty million lives (mainly Europeans, but also some Afrasians, through methods such as reprisals, colonisation, &c.), yeah, the German Fascists were innocent. After all, none of those millions of victims was a white cishet capitalist man, and all anticommunists know that nobody else counts as human, so who cares?
The western european diaspora now need to care because the free stolen fruit of labor from the colonized people and imprisoned Aboriginal children in fake cultural assimilation policy had regressed the European diaspora into parasites who need to abandon their own white caste in rural regions into poverty in favor of immigrant of color to sustain Western European civilization.