
We don’t want zionists in Palestine, NYC, our schools, on the train, ANYWHERE. This is free speech, it is saying we don’t want racists here.

Yet the NYPD is preoccupied with this phrase over zionists beating ppl in the streets & threatening to rape protesters & their families??

Somebody help me: What do you call it when people want to ethnically cleanse the Jews from everywhere on Earth?


Believe it or not, there is already a word that describes it when somebody wants to ethnically cleanse Jews from almost everywhere on Earth.

It’s called Zionism.

  • We love Jewish people, Marx and Trotsky (say what you want about his rivalry with Stalin, he was a hero early on) were Jewish and many many outstanding comrades that are less known put their brains, bodies and financial security at stake for the fundamental truth that humans are all equal. Period.

    Zionists go against these ideas, I’d love you to stay as a Jewish person… just cut that Zionist shit out.