Ah yes, because the first THIRTEEN TIMES worked out so great. 14th times a charm or whatever…

  • The problem with the modern US government is so many Americans after the 80s and especially after the USSR’s illegal dissolution ACTUALLY LEGITIMATELY FUCKING BELIEVE the neoliberal propaganda. Cuba is a relatively small island with sugar, coffee and tobacco being its greatest natural resources… great for enjoyment not so much for global geopolitical control.

    Russia, on the other hand, is the largest nation on earth by landmass rich in iron, natural gas, oil, etc etc etc. cutting it off (especially given that their also cut off nations of Iran and the DPRK are right next to them) is absolutely pointless. All it will do is force Russia into cutting itself off from the West it desperately tried to connect with after 1991. Don’t interrupt an enemy making a mistake, but FFS, they’re clearly fucking themselves over. Especially since all it does is make BRICS+ stronger.