Greetings, comrades. So to cut the story short, my physical state is absolute junk and it’s about time to do something about it. I am overweight and lose breath after going up s flight or two of stairs, my back hurts almost daily and lifting things heavier than a backpack is stating to feel hard. All the doctors say I require exercise to resolve most issues. However, due to long commute and a few other issues, I can’t really visit gym on a regular basis (plus it’s not cheap). So what can I do from home to stop being a useless blob of blubber? For reference, I have a set of dumbbells, but using them hurts tendons in my arms more than it seems to affect the muscles.

I am seeking advice from the comrades

  • @bobs_guns
    411 months ago

    pushups and squats may be too difficult for a beginner. they probably need to work up to it.

    • @CjkOvPDwQw
      411 months ago

      I do agree with that, probably my workout plan is poorly made for people with low mobility. Maybe replace the squats with sitting down and up from a chair