I’ve only been here for a few days, so I don’t know the “history” of lemmygrad and its relationship with the other instances. Do we have a running count of the instances that have blocked us?

I know they’re ignorant liberals, and obviously as a principled Marxist I’m ready to respond to their pre-programmed, anti-Marxist rhetoric, but there’s communities on Reddit in which I’d never had a single interaction with someone spewing anti-ML bullshit.

For example, I’m very interested in NBA basketball. I like to be involved in the drama around the game. If a large group of NBA enthusiasts start a community on an instance that has us blocked, I’m locked out because the administrators of that instance shit their little britches seeing a passionate Marxist speak their mind on lemmygrad. I was thinking about starting a community here for the NBA, hopefully we gather enough members to facilitate content creation in smaller communities, despite the rampant blocking.

Edit: Now that I think about it, honestly I think I’m fine just making communities for shit I’m interested in here, regardless of our connection to those other instances. Looking through the ones I know have blocked us made me cringe off the face of the planet. Wouldn’t even want to talk basketball with them.

  • @Kultronx
    311 months ago

    thanks for the explanation. I get it now.

    • @CannotSleep420
      511 months ago

      To add to what @ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml just said, Lemmy is the software that’s run on the server of lemmygrad.ml, lemmy.ml, beehaw.org, and many of the other instances. Lemmy is one of many softwares (including Mastodon, Friendica, Kbin, Calckey) that are used for federated social media. The network of all of these federated servers that can talk to each other is called the fediverse.