• 🏳️‍⚧️Edward [it/its]
    5 months ago
    1. Having in mind its decision to secure a balanced representation of Korean opinion, the Sub-Committee, […] decided to invite to a hearing the following representatives of leftist groups:
      Haw Sawng Taik (Chairman, Federation of Korean Trade Unions)
      Huh Hun (Chairman, South Korea Labour Party [Formerly Communist party])
      Kim Won Bong (Chairman, People’s Republic Party)
      Paik Yong Hi (Chairman, All Korea Farmers’ Union)
      Yoo Yawng Choon (Chairman, Women’s Democratic Alliance)
    2. Taking account of the fact that the above persons were either in prison, under order of arrest, or under some form of police surveillance, the Sub-Committee approached the United States authorities with a view to securing an appropriate grant of immunity which would enable them, if they so desired, to accept its invitation to a hearing. […]

    [Emphasis mine]