Testing a Hexbear-like thread for sharing and commenting on news. Might become a weekly thing if people like it 👀


  • Include sources in (at least) every top-level comment
  • No clearly fake stories
  • That’s it for now
  • Xibucks arrive on the third Sunday of every month
  • Chay
    911 months ago

    China facing ‘more complex’ security challenges, President Xi Jinping says, warns of ‘worst-case’ situation

    China is facing more complex and difficult national security concerns, President Xi Jinping warned on Tuesday, in comments analysts said showed the country harboured no “illusions” about the possible damaging effects of its rivalry with the US and had little hope of a lasting improvement in ties.

    He said the country’s security apparatus needed to stay “keenly aware” of the complicated and challenging circumstances facing national security, and correctly grasp major related issues, according to state news agency Xinhua.

    The national security issues facing China were “considerably more complex and much more difficult” to deal with, Xinhua reported Xi as saying, as he urged officials to be ready to deal with “worst-case and most extreme scenarios”, so that they could withstand “high winds and waves and even perilous storms”.

    “The ‘worst-case scenarios’ might include a nuclear war, a devastating war that ruins China’s coastal economic belts [or] Western sanctions on China’s energy, finance and food supply,” Xie said.

    “Xi has named the US as the culprit behind China’s problems,” Wu said.