Seriously, I cannot believe the amount of racist, sexist, and overall just shitty things that are said. I just played an FPS for the first time in a while (CSGO) and Jesus christ.

Just makes it not fun lol. Maybe I’m too sensitive

  • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    2511 months ago

    I remember NonCompete making a series on gamer chuds like Pewdiepie being a pipeline to the far right, starting with “anti-sjw edgy/racist/sexist humour” and funneling them along.

    Quite telling that pdp unfollowed all of the far right pieces of shit on twitter in the aftermath of the 2019 mass killings in NZ.

    The worst of the gamer types are usually those heavily into FPS/military games.

    • @SpaceDogs
      1311 months ago

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t pewdiepie also feature Ben Shapiro on his channel before?

      • Chay
        11 months ago

        IIRC he did many rather far-right things, such as mentioning the black sun once and his community just hopped on it saying “he’s one of us” such as Another instance of this was him doing an apology video in a suit which had the iron cross

        Edit: Oh and the part where he paid two people of color to hold up a sign that said “Death to all jews”, of course his community swept it under the rug of “you cannot understand his humor/irony” etc.

        • @SpaceDogs
          1211 months ago

          There was also that white supremacist shooter who went “subscribe to PewDiePie” before the massacre. Many fans try to say he’s apologized and changed but I have a very hard time believing that. I used to watch him when I was younger (during his horror days) but stopped after his first racist incident came out (dropping the N slur that people tried excusing as a heated gamer moment).