• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    21 year ago

    Agreed, and I think there’s another aspect to this. One of the goals with globalization is to ensure that no one country is self sufficient. Can’t seize the means of production when they’ve been shipped out half way across the world. The original plan was to privatize China and then do the same shit there, but China proved to be smarter than that.

    I agree that AI is largely hopium, and this strategy has already failed. AI tech was supposed to be owned by companies like Google and MS who’d run big server farms and charge access to these systems. Turns out that whole idea is now dead because people figured out how to combine training from models. You no longer need millions of dollars to train a machine learning system, and thanks to advancements in pruning the neural nets, these can now be run on a laptop achieving similar results to what stuff like ChatGPT can do. Obviously, whatever useful aspects this tech has will also be adopted by China going forward. The amount of hype around AI is obviously off the scale, and eventually people are going to sober up about it.

    Incidentally, this is a really good read on how the west is losing in automation to China right now. I don’t think any hare brained schemes westerners come up with are going to change the trajectory.