Anyone got any more insight into this? Hypersonics are supposed to be a significant advantage for both Russia and China. If the West has a counter for these, that seems real bad.

  • darkcalling
    1 year ago

    Kiev Nazis are proven liars. Please ignore literally anything coming out of their mouths that isn’t a sheepish admittance of being owned.

    Also west would be caught with their pants down if it came out that Russian missiles - even the more expensive, rarer hyper-sonic variety - could just ignore Patriots and there wasn’t a god-damn thing they could do about them. It would undermine NATO’s core security posture, it would undermine their prestige, it would undermine their dangling them in front of other countries as “security assistance” if they found out they were worthless and most horrifying of all it would undermine the stock value of the defense contractors involved in producing them.

    West has admitted to manipulating news, planting false stories for Ukraine as well.

    I saw a post on a left-ish sub on reddit, can’t remember which one which using a picture meme claimed that NATO held an emergency meeting shortly after this and it is believed the subject was a collective freak-out and secrecy agreement not to talk about how their patriots are useless against Russian hyper-sonic weapons and are being destroyed by them.

    Further I seem to recall the patriot has never had much proven beyond a shadow of a doubt successes against even decades old missile systems.

    More than likely Ukrainians shot down something of their own or a single non-hyper-sonic Russian missile launched alongside a larger salvo of them and are making these false claims.

    Think, what benefit would they get from admitting that western defensive counter-measures, including the most advanced, are useless? What benefit from admitting they are wide open? None. And every benefit from lying except credibility but their whole Nazi-loving reactionary regime is built on lies and lack of credibility.

    Edit: Also recall that NATO and the patriots is in direct competition in the international marketplace of weapons and alliances against Russian defensive systems such as the S-300/S-400. So any proven inferiority or weakness directly strengthens Russia’s marketing of their s-systems.