On S4 E16, time 17:48, but I had to pause the episode to talk about this. Beware spoilers throughout.

Are you KIDDING ME? Part of a small lingering complaint I’ve had in my head is that they have been somewhat understandably shy about using many opaquely radical terms: communism, socialism, revolution, etc. But now we’re going ham into pro-union storytelling with no shame and no relent.

How can this show keep getting exponentially based-er? They can’t keep getting away with it!

  • @201dberg
    1 year ago

    For those who need a refresher


    Bashir playing the part of the typical lib/soc dem with his “OnLy aS a LaSt rESorT.” Meanwhile O’Brians like “fuck em, strike and shut that shit down.”

    • Muad'DibberA
      51 year ago

      Whenever we have a mock debate / forum on section 31, bashir is gonna get called out for his spineless pacifism. I mean I get it, he is a doctor… but so was che.

      • @201dberg
        31 year ago

        Yeah, it’s just how they wrote his character. Probably my least favorite of the team but he played a vital part and I couldn’t imagine the show without him.

        • Muad'DibberA
          41 year ago

          They def needed him to be a foil for a lot of episodes. And he still is a great character.