recently i stumbled with this banger here

but it is on brazilian portuguese, even tho translation tool built in browser do the job, the article itself is of low circulation due to language and the target audience, so i want to know if there is a website where i can post a hand crafted translation to be easier to find for people outside brazil.

also im new into this kinda of thing, do i need to get permission from the author or something?

  • @olgas_husbandOP
    62 months ago

    it is about how racism impacts technology and its bias into ai.

    for staters when first prompted to generate a image of franz fanon, the ai generated a white caucasian man, only generated franz as his rly was when give a very detailed prompt about his appearance.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      32 months ago

      Sounds cool. Feel free to DM me once you have permission and a translated version (chatGPT is surprisingly not bad at all at doing that), and I can look at republishing on ProleWiki!