I’ve heard it said before, though I can’t remember where, that Marx regarded capitalism as a necessary stage in social development. Does this imply that capitalism is inevitable, along with all its exploitation? Maybe I’m misinterpreting something, but I don’t really like the idea. I understand that communism refers to a post-capitalist society rather than a non-capitalist society, making capitalism “necessary” for the creation of socialism, but I don’t think it follows to argue that capitalism is something every society must move through. Thoughts?

  • @linkhidalgogato
    1 year ago

    reading Marx and especially Engels does seem to indicate that they thought capitalism was a necessary step towards socialism but history has proven that it isnt the USSR for example was mostly feudal so was china, Mongolia the second ever and often forgotten successful socialist state had a clan society sorta thing going on and they went straight to socialism tibet was fully feudal and they went straight to socialism, its pretty clear that capitalism is not necessary for a socialist movement to take hold and be successful. Another question is if the idea of socialism or comunism as it exist today can come about without capitalism and sadly i dont think we can know the answer to that